Post Baystock Blues
Post Baystock Blues PBD, the Baystock Blues Now it’s two o’clock in the morning And I’m not by a fire with my friends The stars are still out, and they’re beautiful But that always how Baystock ends They stage has gone quiet, but plays on in my mind Reverberating, right through to my soul The ballads, and love songs, and stories in rhyme Watching people named ‘Teep’ rock and roll There’s nothing quite like it,
Work Weekend 2021
We just had a work Friday. Mark and Moon brought a bucket truck. We fastened the light bar to the stage post and did a few other improvements. Work Weekend is coming up. As allways, it will be two weekends before Baystock. The plan is to work on benches in the bowl, gather firewood, weedwhacking and mowing. Everyone is welcome to camp out with us and spruce up the woods for Baystock. Andy has done
2020 Baystock (CANCELLED) – Message from Al
As usual, work weekend was very successful. The sound and light booth is completely rebuilt. It came out great. A big thanks to everyone that helped. Carpenter Jeff and Donny’s tractor were invaluable. We decided not to have stage lights or music after dark, so Mike and I made an 18 ft by 12 ft movie screen and hung it from the stage ceiling. We showed movies every night. We showed Blues Brothers, Woodstock, The Wall, and a Grateful Dead
Baystock 2020, Message from Al
With great sadness in my heart, after much consideration and deliberation, Baystock has been officially cancelled for 2020. Covid has claimed another victim. I don’t like it, but it is probably the wise thing to do. There will be no scheduled live music. I have talked with a lot of people over the last few days and everyone is disappointed, but no one is surprised. To Baystockers who might be camping, please be kind to your neighbors and
Happy Baystock 2020, everyone!
This year, we will have a shortened Baystock. We will only have bands on Saturday and Sunday. We ask everyone to observe social distancing and the use of face coverings. Especially, when we are in a group environment, or other people’s campsites. We will also be missing several things, this year. We will not have the Coffee Shop, Showers, Wine and Cheese, or the shared mobile phone booster. We will have Daphne’s food court and
A message from Al – 2019
We did it again. So many people have told me Baystock 2019 was the best ever, and I agree. We had great music, great weather, and great people. Thanks to everyone who cleared downed trees, came to work weekend, and maintained the infrastructure. Also thanks to everyone for cleaning up Baystockland. On Wednesday, Sue and I searched the grounds for trash and found nothing. Not one piece of trash. Thanks so much, Happy 40th Baystock. This year, we all arrived at the right place